The Bradfield Village Hall Management Committee owns and looks after the Village Hall, playground and the playing fields on behalf of the local community. It is the venue for a variety of regular and occasional activities as well as being available for private hire.
Any voluntary organisation in the parish of Bradfield, whose aim is social, educational or recreational, is entitled to a seat on the Management Committee. Applications welcomed!
Interim Chair (as of 25-Oct-2023) – Tony Powell
Treasurer – Eva Roggenstein
Jane Gaut
Nigel Neenan
Stephen O’Reilly
Gordon Fletcher
Secretary – Sarah Westcar (not trustee)
The Committee are also the Trustees of Bradfield Playing Fields (known locally as the Cricket Pitch) on behalf of Fields in Trust, formerly National Playing Fields Association.
The day to day running of the Playing Field is administered by Bradfield Cricket Club. Web:
Governing Document (Constitution): Bradfield Village Hall CIO Constitution
Recent AGM reports and accounts can be found here: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021